PatientFirst Social Enterprise
Patient services delivered in the community.
Minor Surgery Referral Information
Reason(s) for referral:
Removal of foreign body
Large Lipomas
Carpal Tunnel Injections
Large Sebaceous cysts with history of infections
Removal of ganglion & aspirations and injections
Head and neck subcutaneous lesions
Rigid sigmoidoscopy and injections of piles
Excisions of extra digits
Sebaceous cyst with history of infections
Removal of ingrowing toe nail
Articular injections
The following common, clinically benign skin lesions can be referred for Non- cosmetic reasons only:
Skin tags including Anal skin tags
Seborrhoeic keratosis
Hand or foot viral warts in adults (subject to your Practice being exempted from providing Cryotherapy treatment)
Small Lipomas
Molluscum contagiosum
Sebaceous (epidermoid or pilar) cysts
Angioma Keratoma and Benign Naevi