PatientFirst Social Enterprise
Patient services delivered in the community.
Our Corporate Team
Patient First is led by a Board of dedicated local GPs.
Our Senior Management Team is made up of two senior GP's who are responsible for Corporate and Clinical Governance. Dr Bhupinder Kohli is our Chairman and our Medical Director is Dr Jim Lawrie. Between them they ensure Patient First has high standards of governance and is compliant with the requirements of all regulatory bodies.
Dr Bhupinder Kohli
Dr Kohli is an experienced GP trainer with an interest in primary care IT and informatics and health intelligence. He is Group Medical Director of the First 4 Health Group which incoporates 4 practices accross Newham serving 39,000 patients.
He has worked in Newham for the last 31 years and became a GP Trainer in 1995.
Dr Kohli set up E12 Health in 2002. It is a training practice and has a track record of developing innovative solutions in Primary Care and has been nominated for a number of HSJ Awards.
He is an expert in the EMIS operating system and is the joint Digital Transformational Lead for Newham CCG.
Dr Kohli has been Chairman of Patient First since inception, he leads on the development of organisational strategy, service delivery and finance.
Dr Jim Lawrie
Medical Director
Dr Lawrie is the Medical Director for Patient First and works closely with Chief Operating Officer (COO) on all aspect of clinical and corporate governance and CQC quality requirements.
He was the vice chairman of the LMC board until August 2012 and in 1994 set up the Newham OOH Co-operative. Dr Lawrie was the Chairman of Newham GP co-operative for many years.
Dr Lawrie has been a GP Trainer since 2008.
Mina Patel
Operations Manager
Mina Patel has worked for the NHS in primary care since 2011.
Mina has been with PFSE for a number of years, starting as clinic administrator and rising to the role of Business Support Manager.
She works closely with our Chairman to establish effective financial management systems.
She has substantial experience of working with the public and professionals. She is particularly strong at motivating and leading teams to deliver high levels of customer focused services and project mobilisation skills across both primary and secondary care.