PatientFirst Social Enterprise
Patient services delivered in the community.
Patient Feedback
You said...
We did...
"The phones are not always answered".
We installed more phones lines.
"Patients can't always attend daytime Dermatology appointments".
"The reminder text messages are not being received".
"We forget appointments when they are booked too far in advance".
We created an out of hours (evening and weekend) clinic at an alternate location.
We instigated a new texting service.
Along with text messages, we now make appointment reminder calls to patients a few days before their appointment.
"Some patients attending Stratford Village Surgery find the building confusing".
We added more signs to help patients find the correct room.
"Some MSK patients raised that waiting times were too long".
We hired more clinicians to run extra clinics.
"The 'comments' section on the Patient Visit Questionnaire is too short".
We created a new version with a bigger comment section and additional Patient Participation section for those people who are interested in attending one of our events.